Why Yo-Yo Dieting or Drastic Weight Loss is Not Beneficial to Anyone.

Drastic Weight Loss

Why Yo-Yo Dieting or Drastic Weight Loss is Not Beneficial to Anyone

Well maybe not anyone, I have a feeling someone is making a bundle and the list is extremely long. Let’s take a look at this whole business of drastic weight loss; drastic weight loss leads to a yo-yo weight loss, do we need to mention this?  We know the outcome, we see it all the time, as a matter of fact, we probably have gone through it ourselves.

However, there are going to be times when quick weight loss will be necessary, as an example; if a doctor diagnosed you with a problem that is health or life-threatening, like a potential heart attack, possible loss of partial extremity due to diabetes or preparing for surgery.

But there is another aspect to quick weight loss which is also imperative, and that might be a very important personal social event.

A lot of couples want to lose weight for their weeding’s; sometimes people want to lose weight for a special reunion or be an example to their family in case someone is getting overweight, sometimes there is an opportunity for employment that would be beneficial to look lighter. Yes, there are some very good reasons for quick, drastic weight loss.

Now, since quick weight loss, the majority of the time, means quick regain we need to find an alternative to this dilemma.

What I have learned is that we can lose a quick 10lbs in a very short time sometimes in 2-3 weeks. Most people would balk at that since it is considered very little weight and think 30 or more pounds should be the goal.

During the beginning of a weight loss challenge, most people will eliminate their sugary/sweet liquid calories, and that on its own will eliminate almost the full 10lbs

The one major reason I would prefer to do 10lbs at a time is that if you space out the weight loss and do 10lbs at a time, you might keep the weigh-off.   To keep the weight off the body needs to change slowly in habits and eating sensations. You are readjusting your habits, and the change is so slow that you do not alarm the body into thinking it is “being starved.” If the body thinks it is “being starved,” it will sound off the alarm of starvation and become very hungry.

I would ask you to reconsider losing 10lbs at a time since 10lbs is still quite a lot and is very noticeable on just about anyone unless you are obese. However, if you insist on a quick 30lbs in 2 months, we are looking at a good chance to fail. If this makes sense ask yourself why overweight individuals do not want to try this?

You can try another 10lbs later on after a few weeks and approach it with caution again.

Getting back to the yo-yo dieting and drastic weight loss, when we lose weight fast, we do not give the body the opportunity to make adjustments and stabilize itself. We are in constant flux, constantly challenging and that is not good for weight loss. Any change that we pursue requires time, like learning a new skill, we might know how to apply the skill, but we need time to master the complete mechanics. The digestive system stretches and contracts according to the amount of food take in and need the same volume to feel content. If there is a change, then you will feel it and slowly your body will revel.

Weight loss requires consistency and persistence if either is missing we will be having a big problem.

Changing topics a little, let us explain what is going on with this weight loss industry. This industry benefits from the quick weight loss and yo-yo dieting. It is great for weight loss merchants to keep on targeting the same people over and over since they know they will always be there doing the yo-yo thing.

As you probably have noticed, no one can keep the weight off following any of the diets that are out there. Ask yourself why is it that there is absolutely no diet that keeps the weight off?

Then why do we gravitate towards a losing proposition, at least losing in that we will fail?

Why do intelligent adults fall into the trap of following the next diet trend?

We hear it and see it all the time, advertising the “lose weight now” or “lose all of the weight now.” These headlines appeal to everyone, and none of us are benefiting from it.

Marketing is such a powerful force that it is almost impossible to do what is right since the latest diet trends so hypnotize us. Advertising is such a well-managed science now, and advertising bombards us from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Not only that but advertising is now extremely well targeted and so well created that it almost does not allow us choices since it goes straight to our emotional centers.

Marketing research is so advanced that they use functional MRIs’, brain mapping,  EKG, eye tracking and many more sophisticated technologies that if you were to read it in a science fiction book, you would say “that will never happen to use in our modern society.”

Our modern society is extremely sophisticated when it comes to using personal computers, handheld technology and how the internet companies work, but we are well targeted. We are very happy to surrender our information if we are offered some trendy new app for free, so even though we are sophisticated and think we can fight off the aggressive perfectly targeted advertising and that we are in control, we are contributing to the marketing giants.

We need to see and understand the great influences the internet is influencing us to do and why.

I almost hesitate to ask about what is the ultimate goal of the great internet powers. I know that all power companies have a three-year goal, five-year goal, ten-year goal and so forth. I wonder what those goals are for the marketing corporations and under what influence we will fall in 5-10 years from now.

At least if you know what is going on, so you have a better chance of making the right decisions for your own good.

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