Weight Loss That Works, It is How the Body Perceives Its Environment

Weight Loss that Works
Weight Loss that Works


Weight Loss That Works, It is How the Body Perceives Its Environment

Anyone who’s ever been on a diet will tell you that just about anything you do which restrict calories is going to help you lose weight. You lose weight until you start to feel hunger and you might fight it, but there comes a point of which you lose control, and you start to eat more and regain it all back.

We do not need a scientific research paper to tell us that. However, we are constantly bombarded by news of research projects that show a certain substance allows us to eat more and still lose weight. Come on, we know better!

Weight loss is not just related to how many calories we decrease; a lot of it has to do with how our body perceives its environment. Weight loss that works is more delicate and strategic.

It’s how your body perceives your environment that is keeping your body from ringing that bell to alarm itself and going in a protective state.  This whole process is designed to protect ourselves.

One of the absolute best ways to keep your body from ringing the alarm bells is for you not to irritate it.

How do you not irritate it but still lose weight?

You feed it just enough but a tiny bit less, this means that the body cannot detect anything going wrong.

The body is like a person caged in a dark box. The person can feel the walls and can feel the heat, noise, air pressure but cannot see.

The body feels pressure but cannot see it, so it goes by feel. If there is not enough pressure or if the digestive tract is not stretched enough and muscle contraction is not there then the system feels something is wrong and sends information to the brain telling it to protect itself.

The way the body protects itself is by interpreting the data collected; no pressure against the wall, no flow in the last few hours, when the mouth salivates and the jaw chews very fast all this means starvation. If you are starving and find food, your body will eat it fast (fast shewing and quick swallowing). Only when you are starving, do you eat fast and almost swallow your food down.

So the body is only interpreting the digestive system’s signals and concludes.

After the body senses starvation, the interpretation is that there are not many resources for you to be able to survive and will do what it takes to help you survive from now on.

The mind will send hormones to create greater hunger, allows the stomach to expand if there is some food that has been found and allows engorging to have more fuel for later on. The body becomes sluggish, so it does not spend as much energy and tries to store as much fuel as possible for survival.

If in the wild and we find extra food that might be too much for us to eat, the body eliminates your ability to feel satiety (satisfied appetite/lack of hunger), so you can engorge, not stop eating. After your hunger senses have been shut down, then you can engorge even though your stomach is expanding greatly and feel uncomfortable but you are still feeling hungry.

We cannot be bothered with the entire process for us to think through, this is an instinct that happens automatically, and you have very little if any control over. And it is a good thing since if we were to control it, we would probably die of starvation since we would not be able to think through this survival strategy.

Our body is so keen that it can detect that we are not eating after the 3rd or 4th hour and start to send signals to eat something and if we do not listen then we can trigger the alarms.

Another unspoken aspect of eating is that we have conditioned ourselves to eat at a certain time even though we might not be hungry.

If we, while at work as an example, get up at 10 am for coffee and some other little temptations then it becomes habitual. Habitual means you have taught yourself to do something.

We have become one of Pavlov’s dog’s, sorry for the comparison.

If the hunger sensation is due to conditioning, then you might need to stay put and not intake any calories just take some liquids like water or unsweetened tea or coffee.

Wait it out, and if in a little while, can take a few minutes to an hour, you are still hungry then you might be hungry. However, if your hunger pangs subside, it might just mean you are conditioned to feel hungry. To change this you need to change your environment or habits slowly,

Some people might dispute this as nonsense, and that we have the power to persevere through this and I would have to say, you can’t fight Mother Nature.

We are designed to survive famine since this is one of the most important instincts we have.

We also have many other instincts one of them that most people are familiar with is the flight or fight instinct.

We do not need to think protection; our bodies just go into automatic survival mode. Normal reactions; hormones start pumping, same with blood, our focus is better, breathing is quick, and a lot of times we just run and get out of dangerous situations.  When we do sprint out we do it in a way that we would normally not do; we do it with speed, power and without even thinking.

Humans have been designed to survive at almost any cost, and this is just one example of the bodies’ way of surviving in our environment.

Since we now know how our body is protecting us, we can use this knowledge to help us manipulate our environment and lose weight in such a way that it does not return.

Weight loss that works can only happen if we manipulate our instincts to our weight loss advantage.

  • Do not allow yourselves to get too hungry.
  • Only eliminate a very small portion of food from your day (lose weight slowly).
  • Once you eliminate a very small amount of food from your day maintain this for a couple of weeks, so the body learns what its new normal is.
  • Seat and control your eating rate, so the body does not think you are famished (chew slowly).
  • Fill our stomach with natural foods that have volume (bulk) but are not high in calories like vegetables or proteins.
  • Do not try to fool the body by having a lot of fluids and easily digestible meals since they run through the digestive system as if it were only water but absorbs all of those calories and later on you get hungry.

We have gained weight because our body is protecting us, but we can also use our bodies instincts’ in our favor to lose weight, try this since this is weight loss that works.


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