Swinging the Pendulum Too Far. Fitness Expert Derek Bees: ‘Fat Acceptance’ Movement Causes Obese Americans to Give Up on Life-Saving Exercise


Swinging the Pendulum Too Far. Fitness Expert Derek Bees: ‘Fat Acceptance’ Movement Causes Obese Americans to Give Up on Life-Saving Exercise

http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/03/07/fitness-expert-fat-acceptance-movement-causes-obese-americans-to-give-up-on-life-saving-exercise/Writing for Big Think, fitness expert Derek Bees analyzed the “fat acceptance” movement and what it means for Americans who are overweight. Bees highlighted an alarming trend of Americans who have simply decided to give up when it comes to weight loss. Attitude is of primary importance, which is critical in a media dominated by fad diets and workouts. Genes matter—some of us really have to work harder than others—yet body image begins with your mindset. While no one-size diet or fitness protocol is for everyone (as much as many holistic opportunists would like you to believe), your attitude about your body is important. And one disturbing trend is on the rise: giving up.

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We have swung the pendulum a little too far to the acceptance of everything to satisfy those that are struggling.

It is deplorable that people shame or bully others and I believe this will never stop.

When people are fat shamed, this is an embarrassment towards society and humanity. Any time you try to humiliate anyone then you must be feeling might high on yourself, so you need to ask yourself why you need to do that?

Understanding that shamers of anything will forever exist, we need to have a good set of parents or family members that teach us to understand that there will be people that will be abusive at many levels and many subjects and we need to learn to deal with this.

The harsh reality is that we all need to learn to handle bullies, shamers, and racist. We, from an early age, need to become self-assured that there is a problem with these people and that it is not just us/you, that if they do not bully you or shame you, they will do so to someone else.

Since we cannot change others, then let us change ourselves. We need to develop a tougher exterior to prevent the emotional scarring that can occur.

After stating all of these, I do think that we can also not let us accept ourselves as we are when we are in need of self-improvement.

Now I do not just mean physical improvement but also of emotional strengthening, personality improvement (I do not want to be one of this bullies/shamers and will teach my kids to never be like them), financial and educational.

Strive to be a better you, and that includes your health and fitness. You decide how far to take your journeys but do not let others influence you towards the wrong direction.


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