Easy Way to Lose Weight. Simple Weight Loss Tips.

Easy Way to Lose Weight. Simple Weight Loss Tips


Easy Way to Lose Weight. Simple Weight Loss Tips

Let’s learn a few simple but very effective weight loss tips to help you lose weight fast.

Easy, we all want it easy, not just an easy way to lose weight we also want it fast. Drones are the new delivery system; e-commerce allows you to purchase whatever you want and pay immediately with your phone and get it now.

Yes fast seems to be easy and doable at just about everything you are interested except for a couple of things, your health, and emotional well-being.

I have scoured the best data, the latest technology and best ideas on how to lose weight fast and efficiently and I still come back to my old standby, eating healthy!

I know that this is a very general statement, but please let me explain it.

The data that flows in the health world is very consistent; if you lose weight aggressively, you will regain it aggressively. If you lose weight leisurely you have a much greater chance of keeping it off; in other words, you might just not regain it.

So, how does that translate into a weight loss program? A weight loss program that is healthy and good for you now and in the long run?

The formula is simple: start eliminating fast foods first, this might mean that you have to do some food preparations which is not bad since it will eventually help you save money and time. Sound simple does it not?

I am not asking you to eat less just better. Eating better almost automatically eliminates calories and chemicals from your meals so hang in there with me.

Preparing healthy foods requires one to two nights of food preparation and which includes portioning out meals so you can take it with you to your destination.

Normally fast food meals tend to be much more expensive than home prepared meals; you will also not need to rush out and go out of your way to get a fast food meal. Making your meals is cheaper, and besides that, you get the exact portion that you want.

What a great deal!

Now, of course, we do need to set time aside for purchasing the vegetables, hopefully organic, chopping the veggies and placing portions into containers. The above process should sound familiar,  does it not sound that different from what our parents used to do a little while ago?

So, save some money, save some time, enjoy a good meal, eliminate chemicals, toxins and bad stuff that forces you to eat more.

Can’t get any better than that!

So this first step is not that difficult, and you will be greatly satisfied with the weight loss, now I am not asking you to eat less, I am asking you to eat healthier.

You will see a gradual weight loss and slow shift away from foods that are heavily peppered with chemicals. You probably know by now that processed foods are extremely bad for us and tend to create an artificial taste that confuses our pleasure center.

We don t want chemicals messing with our pleasure centers unless we do it naturally.

I hope you agree with that.

I did promise you some simple weight loss tips, and I will deliver:

As your day proceeds and you find that there are times in the day that you feel like you need to have something to eat and if you do not have something to eat the vending machine is going to suffer.

Prepare some peanuts in the shell with some spices; you just need a little bit of olive oil to and any spice that you like to give it a nice taste and a crunchiness that makes your jaw work a little.

Roast the peanuts and set them aside and let them cool down. They are great for a snack since they are very low in calories and make you feel full.

Not only that.

When the jaw works at chewing, it sends signals to the brain that is eating the right amount and that it is not hungry. If you chew fast the perception of our survival instincts is that you are starving and when you find something to eat you will devour it.

Please do not try this if you are allergic to peanuts!

The peanut shells are tough and are not digestible, so it will make you feel full but not add calories.

Try to minimize this tip since it is possible that the shells might accumulate in your gut and you might just have a hard time excreting it.

You can try this tip with many other nuts and seeds with their shells. I eat the seeds of fruits since they are bulky and do not have any calories.

Going back to the chewing and how our body determines if we are starving or not; since the brain responds instinctively by what your body signals are giving it not just what the eyes see, eating fast is a sign of starvation. Not shewing food is a sign of starvation too. There is a reason people who want to delay hunger or do not want to eat but still want to feel somewhat satisfied chew gum.

The gum chewing is slow and confuses the brain into thinking that we are eating a good amount of food and are not starving. Chewing gum also makes us salivate, and that is a sign that we are digesting and that everything is stable, at least that is what the brain perceives.

Another reason to eat slowly lie our grandparents used to tell us “chew your food 100x every time not just for better digestion but to make you feel full and satisfied. I guess our grandparents are smart after all. DontReGainIt.com



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