Yaqui Marquez

Welcome to a Solution

Welcome to a solution, welcome to a new way of thinking!


If you have regained weight after furiously fighting to take it off, if you have suffered the shame of regaining weight after losing it, do not despair. Reading this blog might just help you understand what is going on and guide you, so you keep the weight off.


We have all seen it; we have friends, colleagues, neighbors get into the cycle of despair.


The regaining of the weight is much more traumatic than the original weight gain. We feel like failures, depressed, angry and want to punish ourselves.


What this means is that people are in a constant revolving door of diets. Losing weight then regains it and then losing it again and regaining it again and again.


Over a decade of dieting: women spend a staggering seventeen years of their lives trying to lose weight. Of these dieters, the average woman loses her body weight over nine times during her lifetime.

Over 60 percent of U.S. adult women are overweight, according to 2007 estimates from the National Center for Health Statistics of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Just over one-third of overweight adult women are obese.

A sobering statistic found that the average 45-year old female has been on 61 diets.

An estimated 45 million Americans diet each year and spend $33 billion annually on weight loss products. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.


From self-consciousness to physical limitations, many overweight people feel that their size is keeping them from being the person they truly are.


It’s time to put our foot down, and demand answers, not more diets!


Micro Resolutions with micro leaps is an approach that helps us achieve the goals that are important in our lives. You can be the best educated individual and extremely intelligent, but none of that means you will take “The Leap” into a better life. Cut your steps into little steps then even littler steps and on and on. The greatest and most powerful man known to us have used this system or variation of it.


If you are afraid, that means that you need to do it. Fear might just be the guide in the dark that can teach you where you stand and slowly separate the spider web in front of you that will eventually allow you to see the light. If you are afraid to follow the fear one little step at a time, then feel the strength in you since you have already taken some of the steps and, later on, you will ask “Why are other not doing this? This is so easy! You might even hear someone else say to others “I cannot do what she is doing, it very hard, she most have been born with something special to allow her to do it, I cannot do that! HOW wrong are they?


Take The Leap, mentalities need to change. We cannot think “what is the best diet?” We should be asking “how can I regain my power back?” How can I prepare myself to be able to respond correctly to my bodies needs rather than be caught in a hunger cycle that is simply punishing to the body, mind and eventually the soul?

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Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor


Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor

What is Micro Resolutions?

Micro Resolutions is an approach that enhances the good old habits but helps create new habits with minimal mental or emotional energy expenditure.


Micro Resolutions is a well-researched system of fostering habits and retaining them for life.


This process takes some time to ingrain into our subconscious but overall the steps can be quite easy.


The only thing you do need though is a little guidance, not because it is difficult but because your’ old habits might start to show or your frustrations may get the best of you.


What we now know is that to create a habit, most habits, we require a process that allows us to be consistent. For this to work the best, you must allow some flexibility for frustrations that will develop.


Frustrations, when they do show up, need to be recognized, and you need to understand that they are part of the learning process. Most of the time knowing that there are going to be some minor roadblock is enough to make you relax and continue.


Our purpose is to guide you a little and help you understand that there are going to be some bumps, failures, and frustrations, but that all of this is understandable and should be accepted.


We are looking at short time frames of behavioral changes to make lifelong changes. Once you start to understand and grasp the ideas, then you will be able to apply most of this information to other aspects of your life and not simply weight loss.


So, stay, open your mind, accept the mistakes and proceed.


Failures, but with a goal, can be the repetitions that will push us to do magnificent things.

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