5 Ways to Look and Feel Much Younger Than Your Real Age

5 Ways to Look and Feel Much Younger Than Your Real Age

https://www.theepochtimes.com/5-ways-to-look-and-feel-much-younger-than-your-real-age-2_2419741.htmlThe global anti-aging industry was reportedly worth $250 billion in 2016 and is expected to grow to over $331 billion by 2021. This is hardly surprising given our infatuation with looking and feeling young. However, many of these industry solutions are not promoting the more fundamentally sound ways to achieve a more youthful appearance and experience. This is not to say that everyone wants to look and feel like they did in their twenties. There are different types of beauty in all stages of life that should be admired. The following advice is simply to help you feel and look better at your current stage of life.

How predictable we humans are, we want to look great, feel great and be energized throughout our entire day. The adage to live a fully productive life applies here.

We live in a wonderful time; we have products that are natural and help us feel rejuvenated and at a reasonable cost. I can not say that all the supplements are inexpensive or that if you add up all of the costs it is not significant. However, this price is insignificant with the health benefits you will receive.

Detoxifying your body will not only eliminate waste products but can rejuvenate you and fell like you are doing something worthwhile for yourself.

We all need to learn about nutrition and later on master some of the greater details.  Since nutrition is what gives us life and we can either eat badly and feel bad or eat optimally and feel fabulous.

Improved digestion will follow after improved nutrition; however, this is just the beginning of a regimen that can eventually help you enjoy life a little bit better.

Nutrition also includes the supplements that can enhance our immune system. Herbs are our go-to for enhancing the taste of foods but most important our immune system as well. Some of the old standards like garlic, onion, and ginger also apply here.

Improved digestion will follow a well-scheduled nutrition plan especially after detoxifying your body.

Can’t forget about the largest organ of the body, our skin. Proper sun exposure like 15-30 minutes per day followed by natural oils skin treatment can enhance the health and look of your skin. Taking in the rays is great for a short period of time but do not become a sun god/goddess since that can be very harmful to your skin.

Let us not forget our joints, hopefully not achy joints. Joint requires constant attention and love. Emphasize excises that take the joints through their complete range of motion (ROM) so that they are properly stimulated and able to lubricate themselves naturally. Lucky for us we can now even help our joints with amazing products that can give new life to some of those aching pistons.

5 Ways to Look and Feel Much Younger Than Your Real Age


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